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St Mary’s Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

News - P1 - Miss Tracey

2016/2017 School Year

27th Jun 2017
P7 said goodbye and thank you using their range of talents and skills. Parents,...
16th Jun 2017
Well done to the school Eco-team, the gardening club, parents who gave them time...
16th Jun 2017
P6 working designing, creating games and animations using Scratch.
16th Jun 2017
Primary 6 have been recycling plastic bottles, making them into water wheels. Future...
7th Jun 2017
Elaine from Bryson Energy came to speak to primary 5 and 6 today about being energy...
2nd Jun 2017
P6 busy making and testing their Balloon Rocket Cars. Car designers of the future!
2nd Jun 2017
The gardening club have been busy working in the garden area. It is looking great. 
2nd Jun 2017
P7 pupils have been working hard learning about cycling safely.
2nd Jun 2017
Cross Country 1st place winners for P5, P6 and P7. Well done to all our runners...
24th May 2017
Celebrating end of Roots of Empathy Programme in Omagh.