Access Keys:

St Marys Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

News - P1 - Miss Tracey

2022/2023 School Year

1st Feb 2023
Rachel from the PSNI came in today to speak to our Primary 7 children about the...
31st Jan 2023
To celebrate St. Brigid’s day, La Fheile Bride,P1 listened to stories about...
31st Jan 2023
We went outdoors and counted the birds we saw in the school grounds, garden and...
30th Jan 2023
Erin is our star of the week. Her work and attitude has been so impressive this...
26th Jan 2023
Healthy Living is one of our Eco Topics and we are all taking part in the Daily...
22nd Jan 2023
Luke and Joel are our stars of the week.  Luke for showing great motivation...
13th Jan 2023
We have two fantastic stars of the week this week in primary six and seven. In...
13th Jan 2023
Harvey is our star this week for fantastic motivation with his reading, trying hard...
19th Dec 2022
Mrs Cullen and Shanna, brought Kane Conors with them on Friday for our PE session....