Access Keys:

St Mary’s Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


2021/2022 School Year

11th Mar 2022
P2 were learning about the role of an architect this week and after discovering...
11th Mar 2022
Our stars of the week in P3 this week are Liam and Casey. Liam has been off sick...
11th Mar 2022
We have an array of stars of the week in primary six and seven this week. ...
11th Mar 2022
Our star of the week in P2 this week is Sophie. She has worked very hard this week...
11th Mar 2022
We have another accelerated reading millionaire in primary seven. Eimear McGahey...
8th Mar 2022
P2 enjoyed the beautiful Spring sunshine and planted some sunflower seeds. We made...
7th Mar 2022
Kate achieved her 25 metres on Friday. Well done!