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St Mary’s Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh
ECO WEEK 10th to 13th March 2025 St Mary's Eco Week - plastic free week in our lunch boxes. NO: wrappers, clingfilm or tin foil.
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PFTA fundraising focus 2015-2016

19th Oct 2015

The main focus of the PFTAs fundraising activities this year is the purchase of IPADs for the school.  Ultimately the school needs a further 20 IPADS to make a full class set.  At @ £370 per IPAD this means we need to raise a total of £7400.  In addition the PFTA hopes to subsidise a number of afterschool activities for the children.  Any monies raised this year will be split bewween these two causes. 

With this in mind we make the following request: 

If any members of our school community feel they would like to make a donation of an IPAD, or of monies towards the purchase of one, we would be greatly appreciative.  We recognise that not everyone can attend the fundraising events which are organised by the PFTA.  This would be another way in which you could really help. If you feel are in a position to make such a donation please contact Mrs Ingram at the school or any of the PFTA.