Access Keys:

St Marys Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


2022/2023 School Year

3rd Feb 2023
Emily- for beautifully presented work. Lovely handwriting. Excellent work on fractions...
3rd Feb 2023
Thank you Erin for bringing in St.Brigid crosses for our classroom. We have been...
3rd Feb 2023
Our star of the week this week is Dára for being a role model at his table....
3rd Feb 2023
Emily- for super reading. A reading millionaire! Beautifully presented work, lovely...
2nd Feb 2023
Thank you to all the children who brought in reeds to weave into St Brigid crosses...
1st Feb 2023
Primary 3 enjoyed paired reading with Primary 6 and 7 today. Fun was had by all...
1st Feb 2023
Rachel from the PSNI came in today to speak to our Primary 7 children about the...
31st Jan 2023
The library van comes every fortnight.Remember to return your library book on Tuesdays.
31st Jan 2023
To celebrate St. Brigid’s day, La Fheile Bride,P1 listened to stories about...