Access Keys:

St Marys Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


2020/2021 School Year

26th Mar 2021
Darragh and Turlough give Mairead a helping hand everyday to get the classroom clean...
26th Mar 2021
Eunan and Jarlath are wrecked with all their hard work this week 🤩
26th Mar 2021
⭐️ Kate ⭐️ Kate is a lovely girl who is a great friend to everyone in our...
26th Mar 2021
What a great first week back. Great to see everyone so happy and delighted to be...
26th Mar 2021
Well done David for settling brilliantly into life here at St Mary’s Mullymesker....
22nd Mar 2021
Conan and Cara-Jayne ⭐️📚💫 ⭐️Conan⭐️ Conan has worked super hard...
19th Mar 2021
P2 have been having a ball the last number of weeks with their dance lessons from...
19th Mar 2021
Our star of the week in P2 this week is Grace McGahey. Grace is a great girl who...