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St Mary’s Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


2022/2023 School Year

8th Dec 2022
First trip out for P1 s this school year and they were all very excited. Everyone...
8th Dec 2022
P2 had a ball at Santa’s Sooty Christmas in the Ardhowen. They had lots of...
7th Dec 2022
Well done to Niamh who did brilliantly at the weekend in her competitions. What...
7th Dec 2022
We all were feeling very Christmassy today. The Christmas dinner was delicious.
2nd Dec 2022
Well Done Georgia! 🌟What a super little girl🌟
2nd Dec 2022
P5/6 are keeping everything crossed. We posted our Santa letters today. All we have...
2nd Dec 2022
Two brilliant pupils this week.  Brooke- for being kind, caring and a good...
2nd Dec 2022
We all enjoyed our Santa Mile a Day today. It was a lovely day to be out and it...