Access Keys:

St Marys Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


2022/2023 School Year

17th Jan 2023
Primary One are looking after the hungry birds while they are at school. They...
17th Jan 2023
Well done to Niamh who had a great weekend Irish Dancing. We are so proud of you!
13th Jan 2023
Niamh For being a super role model.follows the Golden Rules all the time. She worked...
13th Jan 2023
Our star of the week in P2 this week is Cayden. He has been working so hard with...
13th Jan 2023
We have two fantastic stars of the week this week in primary six and seven. In...
13th Jan 2023
Harvey is our star this week for fantastic motivation with his reading, trying hard...
13th Jan 2023
⭐️Well Done boys a great start to the New Year!⭐️