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St Marys Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


2022/2023 School Year

20th Sep 2022
Aoife and Darragh P.3
16th Sep 2022
It is great to be getting back to normal and being busy at school again. PE coaching...
16th Sep 2022
Well done to the boys past pupils and present ( James, Milo B and Bradley) who played...
16th Sep 2022
P5- Eunan for being a great worker this week. He has been the first to get all his...
16th Sep 2022
Stars of the week in primary six and seven are Amelia Boyle in primary six and Anna...
16th Sep 2022
Our star of the week in P2 this week is Darragh. He has been my walking encyclopaedia...
16th Sep 2022
Caoimhe is a star for following all the Golden Rules, working hard, being quiet...
16th Sep 2022
Primary One class had a new interactive board installed during the week. We were...
16th Sep 2022
What a beautiful morning to have PE outdoors in the Muga. We are so lucky to have...
16th Sep 2022
👍👍Well Done Sonny?👍👍 😀😀Sonny is a super boy at following instructions...