Access Keys:

St Marys Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


2020/2021 School Year

16th Mar 2021
We had a great day performing jigs and reels and learning about St Patrick. Look...
16th Mar 2021
Primary One wore something green today in honour of St.Patrick’s Day. Everyone...
16th Mar 2021
Hello Everyone, Please find attached a link to a free course for the children...
12th Mar 2021
Primary one are all back in the classroom again, meeting their friends and having...
12th Mar 2021
Primary one show their love for their mums by singing to them.💖 Well Done boys...
12th Mar 2021
Well Done ⭐️Eunan and Cara-Rose⭐️  Eunan has worked very hard and...
12th Mar 2021
Our star of the week this week in P2 is Grace Orman. We were all feeling a little...
11th Mar 2021
P5 and P6 have been busy sketching Spring flowers this week. Great observational...