A Huge Thankyou
17th Apr 2019
A huge thank you to all staff, parents and children at St Mary's for their generous support and donations with our recent Action Cancer fund raisers. As a school community we have raised £675!! I will use £375 to pay for the 'Big Bus' and the remaining £300 will go to Action Cancer's 'Breast Friends Together' campaign. Thank you to each everyone for your support in this cause, it is truly appreciated!!
There are currently 7 mammogram appointments still available on the big bus, all MOT appointments have been filled. Further details on how to book are available on class list.
Clair Waterson
St Mary’s Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, BT92 2AB Tel/Fax: (028) 6634 8598 Email: hingram447@c2kni.net