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St Marys Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


2020/2021 School Year

13th Nov 2020
Our star of the week this week in P2 is Rian. He received it for trying his best...
6th Nov 2020
This week we have read the story The Snail and the Whale. We have written some brilliant...
6th Nov 2020
Well done Mila!⭐️ Superstar! 
6th Nov 2020
Ava is a brilliant Star of the Week- excellent listening, great working in class...
6th Nov 2020
Congratulations to Theo who is our star of the week. Theo had a fantastic week,...
2nd Nov 2020
This week Patrick is the star of the week in P2. Georgia,Casey and Joel have all...
16th Oct 2020