Access Keys:

St Marys Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


2020/2021 School Year

25th Apr 2021
Oisin P6 great super working in class this week. A great attitude to learning. Brilliant...
23rd Apr 2021
P2 had great fun learning through play outdoors today, the sun was beautiful 🌞🌞
23rd Apr 2021
P2 had lots of fun this morning. We took our learning through play outside to enjoy...
23rd Apr 2021
We have 2 stars again this week in P2 Jesse has been a great friend this week...
19th Apr 2021
Primary one went on a spring walk along the new pathway. Look at our beautiful...
19th Apr 2021
We have lots of birthdays in April. Happy Birthday Sophie and Sam. Happy Birthday...
19th Apr 2021
Many thanks to Kate and Ava who entered a competition to win some lovely books for...
18th Apr 2021
Well done Niamh, Ava and James. Reading millionaires this week. Just brilliant!📚📚⭐️🌟
18th Apr 2021
Well done to James for settling back this week and working brilliantly in the classroom....