Access Keys:

St Mary’s Primary School, Mullymesker, Bellanaleck, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


February 2019 April 2019
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Fri 1
PFTA Movie Night (6:30pm to 8:30pm. See Classlist App for more details)
Scholastic Bookfair (before and after school in P6 room)
Sat 2

Sun 3

Mon 4
P6 Shared Education (10am-12 noon Florencecourt PS)
Scholastic Bookfair (before and after school in P6 room)
Literacy Week (All week in School- Literacy activities and Workshops)
Multi-Skills Soccer P1 and P2 2:15 to 3:15, (After School P3-P7 3:15-4:15)
Tue 5
After School Gaelic Football (3:15 pm to 4pm)
Literacy Week (All week in School- Literacy activities and Workshops)
Scholastic Bookfair (before and after school in P6 room)
Wed 6
Scholastic Bookfair (before and after school in P6 room)
Primary 6 and Primary 7 PE (Skills and games Wear in PE kit)
Literacy Week (All week in School- Literacy activities and Workshops)
Thu 7
PE (P1 to P4)
P5 and P7 (PE)
Literacy Week (All week in School- Literacy activities and Workshops)
After School Netball (3:15pm to 4pm)
Fri 8
Book Character Day (Pupils to dress up as favourite book character for World Book Day)
Literacy Week (All week in School- Literacy activities and Workshops)
Sat 9

Sun 10

Mon 11
Multi-Skills Soccer P1 and P2 2:15 to 3:15, (After School P3-P7 3:15-4:15)
Tue 12
After School Gaelic Football (3:15 pm to 4pm)
Wed 13
Primary 6 and Primary 7 PE (Skills and games Wear in PE kit)
Thu 14
P5 and P7 (PE)
PE (P1 to P4)
After School Netball (3:15pm to 4pm)
Fri 15
St Patrick's Break
Sat 16

Sun 17

Mon 18
Mid Term Break
St Patrick's Break
Tue 19
After School Gaelic Football (3:15 pm to 4pm)
Wed 20
Primary 6 and Primary 7 PE (Skills and games Wear in PE kit)
Thu 21
P5 and P7 (PE)
PE (P1 to P4)
After School Netball (3:15pm to 4pm)
Fri 22
Sat 23

Sun 24

Mon 25
Multi-Skills Soccer P1 and P2 2:15 to 3:15, (After School P3-P7 3:15-4:15)
Tue 26
After School Gaelic Football (3:15 pm to 4pm)
Wed 27
Primary 6 and Primary 7 PE (Skills and games Wear in PE kit)
Thu 28
P5 and P7 (PE)
After School Netball (3:15pm to 4pm)
Fri 29
Sat 30

Sun 31